You are still standing as a one-legged grace on your round plastic foot. Like a thirsty plant, I pour water, in the round opening. It is, so you don't fall, when it shakes and lifts you up, like someone shaking your wrong dress ...
3004_Amour Box (a later addendum) I feel betrayed by life, over which I no longer have any influence or power
I still have flashbacks, emerging so close from within me, so close to me I see his smile again below me, see our first meeting in my shabby little nursery, Szenen des ersten Jahres und des zweiten sind da vor m ...
33 shitty Amourbox
Raven! What remains of passion but pain? Passion is ultimately unwanted. Shallow poppers sing about it in songs. But nobody wants to live. Don't you think so?? Am I wrong?, Raven? Of, that you can fly, wirst es ver ...
my favorite poems: Trakl_ Sonja
Sonja Abend kehrt in alten Garten; Sonja's life blue silence. Wild bird migration trips: Bare tree in autumn and stillness. sunflower, gently inclined; About Sonya's white life. wound, rote, niegezeigte Lässt in dunklen Zimmern leb ...
Little Sleeping Beauty
To celebrate the birth of Sleeping Beauty, thirteen older, wise females appear, to give Sleeping Beauty her blessing. One wishes her virtue, the next beauty .... the thirteenth lucky giver comes too late. And because she's angry, weil k ...
Dialyliving, I've been sick almost all my life
Me-Ovid Es gibt Dinge, you can't find out, maybe, because one ultimately underestimates the individuality of the body. And yet it must be related to the untreated ME. In the statement of faith, the P. in one place: "I could ...