Portrait_the people of Dübendorf
The unhappiest people, I've ever met, was the Dübendorfer. I'll never be the icy blue, forgotten the distorted look of her desperation, her murky voice, where all hope had died. What made the people of Dübendorf so unhappy, bekam ic ...
confirmation means, that church instruction is over, and the student has a so-called religious majority. I have forgotten almost all memories of the time in the conf camp, But not the hour-long hike in the snow over a flue ...
He called himself that, because he was free. Actually free. Except of course, when you put him in the isolation cell, for twenty-four hours. In the isolation cell there was only a tightly strapped mattress with no corners or edges, Nothing, woran man seinen Kop ...
Portrait_Frau A.
When I was very little, our doorbell rang regularly. The neighbor, Frau A., mostly stood there in a state of disarray and complained of something in great excitement. i was too small, to understand, dass das Objekt ihrer Kla ...
36 the nevermores
Raven! Never again June 2022, never again July 2022: Nevermore!
Out of my “Testimony without witnesses”
"The love clochard, you could have written, is a human, who loses everything, his roof, his sanity, his warm bed. Like Nizon's human, who becomes a beggar in Paris, it eventually dissolves and disappears.”
Lisa was the prettiest in the village, but she lived in the most dilapidated house on the railway embankment. Lisa was omnipresent: her swaying form, she already had breasts, her blue ones, eyes wreathed with lashes, ihre Stupsnase und die schulterlangen dunkelblonden Locken, ...
34_Amour Box
And then again, became of something, that was precious and sacred to me, a collateral damage. Raven, I need swings, at the same time, black wings.