'die legendären Hirten Noch sahen sie nichts, doch hörten sie singen sphärenfern und lauschten mit weiten Augen, stummem Mund, als eine nie gekannte Röte sie brannte in das Nachtgewölk. Die flutete und stieg und flammte- Dann liefen sie, begri ...
Zizek über Populismus und die toxische Rückkehr des “verschwundenen, autoritären Vaters”
"The Dimension of the Master is returning with a vengeance in all its forms: patriarchal Values, political Totalitarianism and religious Fundamentalism."
A poem by Erika Burkart_aus: placeless proximity_2005
Die Arbeit zu leben Es gibt Morgenhügel und Abendfelder, between machines and people; the adversary, the bad time, the little bit of luck and the ash rain- the shower of life. (Erika Burkart, 1922-2010) MJS, Trees in Brugg, 2021 ...
Bern_Impressions_6. December_Father&Son
Samsung Galaxy 52 already defective and waiting, therefore 2022 no more impressions ... which is attached to the rear(baggy)en of people dare)
Magic Mountain_7.Chapter_you can tell the time?
"Can you tell the time?, this itself, as such, in and of itself? ---- ... In all seriousness, Hans Castorp didn't know any more, how old he is! That may sound adventurous, but it's so far away, unerhört oder unwahrscheinlich zu ...
small revisions to the blind application_faith_3
... But is that enough?, that I can assert myself against other applicants, I can't say of course. This decision is yours alone. Decide against me and give me a rejection, nehme ich Ihnen dies aber bestimmt nicht per ...
small revisions to the blind application_faith_2
"They mean, there will never be a strange man, who is able, to give me this security and devotion, within a moment, in which I need it, to give myself to him?!“I was really very in that moment, very battered. Niedergeschlagen ...