To the "Disappear" It's been my concern for years, your own condition (which often overwhelmed me) to be reproduced linguistically, purely technical. Ein bisschen wie Briefmarken sammeln. Jahre vergingen. Nun geht es mir darum, die hingesprochene ...
#pwME_Stress hormone cortisol almost flat as ever
Eleven years after I disappeared into the coffin of playing dead syndrome, My cortisol profile continues to show little activity. Der geringe Anstieg deckt sich mit den ca sechzig bis hundertzwanzig Minuten, die ich in der Regel täglich ein wenig aktiv sein kann. ...
Youtube_Brightest Dark_my videos set to private_I need to rethink this
You have to think carefully about whether you can still reveal something. This is the question of survival for artists and poets. Public space and digital spaces reflect the ugliness and brutalisation of our social interaction. I have been in a dilemma fo ...
Curse of Biography_4.5.24 'The only means of expression in life is life itself’
4.5.24, Samstag Trübes Wetter, tranig. Saharastaub, humidity, Cold drops. No sun, it stands out in the crackling blue like a teaser eye. Just clouds, Smear and spoiled yellow in between, as hot and moist as sticky fermented milk. Wenn es s ...
Eclat de Minutes_virtual hiking (with YouTube through the Emmental)
Wandering with your eyes. Along the leafy path. Hangaufhangab. The goal is the clearing, the blue one. Unter fallenden Arvenarmen eine Stromschnelle, die Kinder mit Steinen banden. 10 Customs for hiking, von einem Bildschirmra ...
3004_Beggar's conclusion
Thenceforth, where you admit, to be a beggar for a bit of humanity; From then on you feel all the public and human contempt. As long as you pretended, To be Princess, you were just suspected or laughed at. Das Los de ...
3004_ to the novel to the self
Mir war irgendwann klar, dass eine Publikation nichts mehr an meiner Isolation ändern kann, und dass ich ein privates Leben und privates Glück finden kann. And, genaugenommen ging ich vom privaten Leben aus, als Grundlage für alles Folgende wie berufl.od ...