Ich bin nun da, an der Stelle, wo ich all das, bis auf einige wenige Fragmente, Scheisse finde. It is strange, wie sehr meine Zunge sich gemäss meiner Hormone, Transmitter, Immunzellen usw., entlang wächst und wieder zurück schrumpft. I ...
SpokenMe_Auszug_vom Verschwinden
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAs15VauwIE (schwierig bis unmöglich, ohne Aura zu performen. Aber mein auratischer Regenbogen ist erloschen. Ich muss Vorlieb nehmen mit einem verblühten Äusseren, denn was Innendrin ist, sehe ich zum Glück nicht.)
The Wave_ finally the title
....for my novel. In seven days 268 pages 245 Pages broken down. The pathos removed in many places, searched for and chose a more conciliatory ending.... and.... I started myself, I'm looking for forgiveness in my novel, for example ...
Longer Eclat de Minutes_ Actors, who loved the king (about legends)
Once upon a time there was an actor, he was a bit different. In fact, he was more beautiful than everyone else, at least a bit. His facial features were delicate and plump, soft and somehow sharp at the same time. And as soon as he appeared on the screen, hat ...
prov. title: the voice
Dolly still believes, the forsaken, her pain is exclusive, because he, the man is like all those men on their ships, in love. she, all men, love like in the movies, love like on a ship, on her Victoria and so they love every woman i ...
prov. title: the voice
For sure, in the personal, the human comes to the fore, but at a certain point in life, private pain becomes private shame first, later to farce.
From my untitled novel———– transcription, that I no longer feel
'So I returned home, back to Ghost City, Place of the haunted and those, who still want to become one. location, there the garden, but solid trees. Was physically run down, Only one Lieutenant Pinson had me like that in my entire life ...
Eclat de Prose_The water (there Manon)
In this area, that i love, and in which I like to put myself mentally, it rarely rained. And yet the vegetation was more beautiful and luxuriant than elsewhere. If it ever rained, sickerte das Wasser durch die Ritzen des Kalkgesteins in die ...
SpokenMe_Portrait of the chauffeur (extended Version)
SpokenMe_Portrait_Lydia (still blue)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_N-ezQoXtnM Verträumt stand Lydia in der Küche und verzierte das Kuchenblech, while it was raining outside. The rain dripped from the gutter, to the right of the kitchen window, about the climbing roses, die spät noch blüh ...