On average, I have needed approx. since mid-October. 6 to 8 Hours to wake up etc 6 Hours to fall asleep. Of the remaining plentiful 10 Hours I am approx. 3 Hours spent writing, 30 Min. with cooking and hygiene and 6,5 Stunden mit Au ...
#pwME_was wurde aus Naviaux State of Hibernate?
Mehr als vier Jahre sind vergangen, seit Robert Naviaux herausgefunden hat, dass Betroffene von Myalgischer Encephalomyelitis organisch in einen dauerhaften Winterschlaf verfallen. Anders als bei Murmeltieren, die ihre Funktionen runterfahren, um bestmögl ...
3004_u#pwME_ fireball-draussen&indoors20_10-23
How do you want to move?, if you on tinder, through the epidermis and the tissue, through the skull, burn like a ball of fire? A fire, that wraps around a tree with tongues and crackles the branches, causes the strongest tree to fall, saugt ihn au ...
#pwME_no more compromises, to prove the upright position
After more than a year of exceeding my performance due to the fatal combination of a little more strength from cortisone(originally against months of Covid cough) und Euthyrox-Schilddrüsen-Push sowie gleichzeitig langsam zunehmender bisher unbekannter Infektsymp ...
#pwME_but and yet….it is their biopsychosocial, dual model
...In the end it is the biopsychosocial effects, that kill you. And that's just the perfidious thing. That I have been considered biopsychosocial and therefore functionally ill for so many decades, was classified. Dabei litt ich an Myalgic Encephalo ...
3004_no more ME_crap here_instead of ME_lamentations&Anger visualizations
It's crazy, but having to talk about an illness, that did not exist in the world, during my most important years between 20 and 35, is also a compulsion. Because, If you look closely, they still don't exist, and nowhere except in my body. Ic ...
#pwME_my cycle_my bankruptcy (sorry Butler, i am my female biology, not culture)
My illness is inconceivable without the female menstrual cycle. As long as I can remember, were the 28 days the circle, within which the energy was building and through the breakdown of hormones, destroyed again at the end of the cycle. Dies ...
#pwME_dynamics of insidiously progressive ME_psychic consequences
My ME started 1996 mit POTS, constant muscle pain, Dysautonomia, months of nausea, and complete stress and drug intolerance, and flu symptoms during menstruation. I would 2003 berentet. At the end of middle age, 2014, rings ...