Her name was Carmela Milazzo. Her father worked in the village factory by the river. For a year she sat right behind me, and when the teacher called her name, schnellte ich herum und starrte Carmela Milazzo an. She sat there, like a dream, sie schien zu sch ...
Lisa was the prettiest in the village, but she lived in the most dilapidated house on the railway embankment. Lisa was omnipresent: her swaying form, she already had breasts, her blue ones, eyes wreathed with lashes, ihre Stupsnase und die schulterlangen dunkelblonden Locken, ...
I need Memory, please!_Henrilov
Hen stood in front of his cottage in his pink shirt and Cuban pointy shoes, and from afar I saw him wringing out the lettuce in a cloth on the troittoir. Hen called far across the Austrasse: Maaaaaariooon! Also a bit oracular. Und da ...
I need memory, please!
In summer 1996 Hen and I rode the Vespa over this pass, I forgot, what's his name, but on the other side below was Schangnau. There we followed a very bubbling stream, so far, bis der Bach in einer Art Felswand ...
Retro: My first dance
"Want to dance?" Wie klein das Bubi war! Er zog das grosse Mädchen auf die Tanzfläche. Sie war mindestens zwei Kopf grösser als er. But what the heck!? Also: die Tanzfläche in einem Kuhstall. Temperaturen um den Gefrierpunkt. Und statt der Kuhaugen in ih ...
3004_What culinary
How do you actually make this creamy, consistent white milk foam?, that protrudes two centimeters above the dark coffee and that used to be in the Bären restaurant, Heimenschwand, the Ovaltine in a white tall cup (with Ovaltine imprint), siedenhei ...
Memory of the numbers and streets, I
4381932. A number, that had been lost in me for twenty-five years! As if the subconscious would catch fire too! But only when it really hurts, correct, really tight!- The pressure points can no longer hold the weight, die al ...
Prose_4 AM
The sea rushes in the heating pipes. I can hear it. They growl in all directions, a perpetual somewhere sound. It's that quiet. So still. Once we rolled down all the car windows, tucked our shirts on the handles. Between ...
A moment with Walti
It's so humid, that you can't breathe. Wir drei drücken uns zum erstenmal an die Mauer unseres frisch bezogenen Hauses unten im noch leeren unbebauten Garten. Suddenly clouds gather on the horizon. „Wollen wir Eis ...
Visualization from below *
(for my mother) Freshly washed sheets flutter in the steel-blue sky, Birds chirp, Countless bees hum in the embankment, A lizard scurries diagonally across the stone and disappears deep into the ground. Licht entsaugt die Schatten in g ...