#pwME_Overstimulation sneaks up on you for days. And then knocks you down with one hit.
Life is stimulus, not true? And with ME, this stimulus has to remain the caress of a feather. (PS: Benzo now so far ineffective, i will be using diazepam, that had a longer half-life had to be discontinued. Der innere Stimuli wird zubeissen w ...
#pwME_Stone Freight performance took a lot out of me
The Stone Freight performance is from last Friday. I bumped into it next door by accident, where they build these many dense new residential buildings on a hollow with the rock of the former house. Although I have my shopping cart first (I was a ...
Residual material with old houses
(Material Stein: Reichenbachstrasse construction site 118, the ME/CFS weights)
Back_in a state of degradation_ who will deliver me from the body of this death??
quotes, Latin: Leo Naphta, Thomas Mann, Zauberberg