Sunset through fleuzeug window, Suter U.) Life size, Of, over a spanish coastline, while I was dazed by the smell of seafood, run towards the screams of the market women through the hall. Le ...
Nanu, I see nothing. Must grope through jumping tires, catacombs, eng. But I post everywhere, get bruises. Hallucinate tremors, like snakes, Places dangers, made out in somewhere. Nobody takes me for a walk on my arm like that ...
mid-January, at the end of the day
My balcony door opens carefully. Rumble or thunder: A huge mass of traffic in the distance, turns away. Just the air soaked in smoky diesels. The night hangs opaque. I hope: they don't have this day ...
Epitaph on a useless one (Title based on Dorothy Parker)
Wind moves the tree. So she was moved. First in the trunk. About the middle. And finally in the tips. Lived and loved her. Shook the motionless tree. When a standstill shook her. And froze her to death as a tremor. ...
Candles on the tree
Snap lights on their faces. Flames, tender, but brought together. Flaming sea warmth. Then a bluish shiver, Kampf auf Hauchesstufe, nur Innendrin gewaltiges Überfliessen, in den Nadelkranz verkrallte Wachsarme. W ...
New Years resolutions
I think, I should. I thought so now and then. I think i could. Oft. I should u could. But whether I wanted to? Ich muss darüber nachdenken Ich denke, I wanted, But I could not. I should, but i didn't want to. ...
we're getting new windows
I am a winter rider on a glass plate. As thin as paper, crackling like pond ice. who would have thought, dass wir unseren Ausblick einmal herausbrechen und uns bringen um eine Perspektive von Innen und Aussen. There remains a hole, through which the wind ...
Visualization: over the sea of fog
I'm over the sea of fog. To assess the situation. Stand flawlessly in one spot, than myself. Inhaliere saumloses Blau, so, look- I breathe in and not out. I think: you never let yourself go. Vielleicht we ...
I want to emigrate to Bauchstern
I want to emigrate to Bauchstern, Lichterort, where they go, when they get small. As bright as only the night can be. Sick, Cripples and farewells throw their candlesticks into it, unlucky star followed blindly. Expanse, die das End ...