Die Arbeit zu leben Es gibt Morgenhügel und Abendfelder, between machines and people; the adversary, the bad time, the little bit of luck and the ash rain- the shower of life. (Erika Burkart, 1922-2010) MJS, Trees in Brugg, 2021 ...
Louise Glück_the red Poppy_der blutrote Mohn
The great thing is not having a mind. Feelings: oh, I have those; they govern me. I have a lord in heaven called the sun, and open for him, showing him the fire of my own heart, fire like his presence. What could such glory be if not a h ...
my favorite poems: Trakl_ Sonja
Sonja Abend kehrt in alten Garten; Sonja's life blue silence. Wild bird migration trips: Bare tree in autumn and stillness. sunflower, gently inclined; About Sonya's white life. wound, rote, niegezeigte Lässt in dunklen Zimmern leb ...
I experienced something this month, that I am not allowed to put into words or rather I have to find out how, because it could put me in danger. It's hard for me, not to mention, maybe I can take some suitable pictures