Lacan's Reale. This terrible real thing, that can catch up with you, when an excessive moment dissolves reality like the objects and colors in a painting. This painting, that I'm looking at, Year after year, this reality, gesehen von A ...
Other_Zizek_the sublime object of ideology, 1989
'Instead of appearing as one's own personal circumstances, The social conditions of people are disguised in the social conditions of things - this is a very precise definition of the hysterical symptom, der Konversionshysteri ...
Andere_Emily Dickinson_summer is shorter, that 1880
Summer is shorter than any one- Life is shorter than summer- Seventy Years I spent as quick As an only dollar. Sorrow now is polite and stays- Equally to abhor delight- Equally retain him.
Other_ Erich Fromm_Psychoanalysis of Fascism
'Die einzigen, who still think critically, are the children, die Schlafenden und die Verrückten.' (Interview 1975)
Andere_Roland Barthes
'La plupart du temps nous parlons sans savoir que les langages existent.' (Interviewauszüge mit Roland Barthes,1915-1980, Tissue 2015, Roland Barthes, Meister der Decheffierkunst)
Other_about Gerald in “loving women” , D.H Lawrence, 1916
'Und während die Lebenskraft des Vaters zunehmend schwand, In return, Gerald felt an increasing sense of being at his mercy. After all, his father had always embodied life for him. As long as his father lived, war Gerald nich ...
Andere_E.M.Cioran_ on the inconvenience of being born
'True contact between beings is established only through the mute presence, by the apparent non-communication, by the mysterious and wordless exchange which resembles inner prayer.'
Other_Psychology of the Masses_
'You are allowed to do everything, if you have enough aura and the talent to uphold it.' (Gustav the Good, Psychology of the Crowds, 1895) The term Nimbus at Wiki (copied) also referred to: Cloud (Latin ,dark cloud') u. ...
3004_Camus in Fembio_Essenenzen_diese Ambivalenz_mein last entry primarily primitive
Camus has women, which he apparently needed for enjoyment and for his ego, which might even have been his elixir of life, not regarded as equal human friends. Isn't that amazing? I mean, because I imagine, dass die Erkenntn ...
1 Music Memory
'I want to be your solid ground, although I am wavering myself.' (Element of Crime, heavy seas, White paper, 1993)