let's wake up, middle of the night, from a nightmare, to keep dreaming? Or was the dream just there?, to show us, what the real feels like, wenn es uns wirklich zustösst, in the dream; confusingly close, und bis zur Konfusheit eindringlich .. ...
about mine “belief”
I don't want to write a novel, written by an angry woman, I want to write a novel, written by a reflective woman!!!! I point that out, the instinct animal, down.
Maybe now, Raven, when my own happiness is gone (sorry watched to much Downtown Abbey!)... ever so long ... do I become a fool to guess happiness in the others? They won't reveal something to me that is so precious, so vulnerable ... of course .....! K ...
How stupid do you have to be, not to seek peace with someone, with whom you live wall to wall?! And! But look: the other wants less than that! Also Raven! For many months now I have been the target of this and other indifference! Better this way ...
For what else language, if she doesn't make it, to make us happy for a moment!? Raven! I thought, i can speak! And now keep silent to them....because their words offended me...... ...only words, Raven.....deposited with ...
#pwME_pouring gasoline into a cart, who has no tires at all
Myalgic E., is a deadly disease, because activity in ME always has potentially fatal consequences. Of course, neither laypersons nor doctors can take note of this, if he, too lazy for science (physician) and truth (layman), want to assume, ...
You tell me: a raven knows hundreds of warning calls, with which he warns his peers of threats; including in front of people. What kind of information does such a warning call contain about people, Rabe?
Raven! Two years later I still wish the Snow would come and drown my house, so I got peace. Orderd Ritalin to be able go through the 123 pages left of my life/Glaubenssatz at once.... Sometimes I missed a whole bunch of words this time.... it was like a ...
3004_Diary to write_I do this, what I can, because that's what I do, what i have to, because I can't do that, what I want: marionroad holpert
The amazing thing is this: that you do something, because you have to do it. Not, because you're good at it (!). Of course there are people, who do that, where they have their talents, but that doesn't have to mean it, that they do that with it, was s ...
Diary_3004_October_and to write_Magic Mountain_Raven is not there
So stupid again, because I only work on my manuscript every two to three days (the approx. 10I don't even count a day's break during the bleeding payment) can work. Dazwischen liege ich auf dem vom Wetter durchwetzten Liegestuhl und lausc ...