Nach wie vor bewirtschafte ich meinen Youtube-Channel mit grosser Ambivalenz. Meine Hauptarbeit, die längere Prosa, ist ungeeignet für dieses Format. Aber vor allem, wenn ich live lese (vorlese) habe ich immer den Eindruck, dass der Rahmen von Youtube nic ...
current status of my exit procedure
Despite 27 years of physical and partly mental illness and eight years of physical illness, that doesn't allow me, my mental deficits on site, where they present themselves, namely in society, to improve, und trotz ...
Diary_23_to the Diaries_23_I want to tie a broom
I have decided, if possible, no more diaries. I would have to try, every spontaneous urge, to make diaries, into even a tiny little short story. And if I only have one small portrait, ein Fragment schr ...
edit_about me 2023
Ich sehe/sah diesen Blog als – Blog meiner persönlichen Entwicklung – literarischer Blog oder Blog einer literarischen Entwicklung – Blog einer Krankheitserfahrung, persönlich – Blog einer spezifischen Krankheit ...
I think, Raven flew south, And I need to talk to myself again. I've never been so far away from the world, people have never been so absent, I have never been in this big, hallenförmigen Haus eine so gespenstische Stille erl ...
My words matter. My creativity is on hold. Something breaks/stops my inner monologue. I feel poetryless, free from association, playfulness and passion. I feel chained to this, wofür ich seit etwa zwei bis drei Jahre ...
3004_We don't live in a country, we live in a language.’ E.M. Cioran
Somewhere on the Stadthalterstrasse there is a small attic apartment with a roof-free aisle and a little view of the sky, as I suspect. Fr. 1080 in the month. Then this absurd cascade starts again: And, but why housing, wenn man nicht leb ...
3004_to the diary and selective perception
The problem with my diaries lies in this, that the selective perception of me has been focused on it for decades, the pain, Problems, defects, shortcomings, etc.. to log. Of course it can be, dass ich ursprünglich dacht ...
71 frigo is fuller
MJS would love to move out of this stable, Wand an Wand, Atem and Atem eyes ...... into a new one, another city, a city kingdom with many meadow-like oases and striking faces.... But, Good, Raven! Welcher Bewerber kann schon als Bewerbu ...
3004_Diary_'Caring for Oneself as a Practice of Freedom’
If I'm not mistaken, I'm developing a little, and I have developed a little within the scope of my possibilities. But these developments do not change my situation in statu degradationis, es ist ein rein innerlicher u intrinsischer Prozes ...