Since I finished my novel and I'm finishing a volume of short texts, some horrible things have happened to ME: My one-year internal exit report has lost its validity, because the family doctor threw me out. It is ...
3004_Sonne, my cells are little funnels
Sun, you may not shine on this place anymore. My cells are little funnels, leaning towards you and trembling with dejection and exhaustion. You're not there, slow, migrated more and more since October, ich vermisse jeden einzelnen dei ...
#pwME_Vacuum-Diary_and_creative crisis
I've been wishing for an inexplicit language for a long time, a language, to deal with the gaping wound. How should one live with this disbelief of others and especially close relatives, really a lifetime? I can confirm, that the p ...
for Chanel_spring 23
I'm in an exhaustion- and crisis of meaning and can not be creative at the moment do not write. It may be, that I'm done with it. It may be, that something can happen to me, das mich wieder seelisch füllt, and possibly. ist schreiben wieder mö ...
Revision of an untitled novel
I ask, what didn't fit with the title, which overall doesn't fit. You say, it's too pathetic, everything. And, it is not anymore, as at the beginning (Capt 1, 2,3) naughty, ironic, light and sarcastic. The protagonist's voice can no longer sound the same ...
3004_Homo Deus, the godlike human?
Wer will- after transhumanism- live according to Yuval Harari's idea of man? The Hebrew historian proclaims, the humans with computer functions built into their flesh, because it then acts on calculations, no longer on emotions, somi ...
to my “Belief”, which is now untitled
All changes, that you dictate to me, I accept without hesitation. I would probably cut every chapter, if you want it that way. Not, because i believe, that you doctor of this thing- language and such - have a taste, der alles über ...
With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis one can assume so, that projects already fail in their preliminary planning. Even the smallest euphoric or "busy" actionism, get up like before, out of motivation, sein armseliges Leben mit dem ei ...
ambivalence: To my YouTube channel and writing
Nach wie vor bewirtschafte ich meinen Youtube-Channel mit grosser Ambivalenz. Meine Hauptarbeit, die längere Prosa, ist ungeeignet für dieses Format. Aber vor allem, wenn ich live lese (vorlese) habe ich immer den Eindruck, dass der Rahmen von Youtube nic ...
current status of my exit procedure
Despite 27 years of physical and partly mental illness and eight years of physical illness, that doesn't allow me, my mental deficits on site, where they present themselves, namely in society, to improve, und trotz ...