I want to let go and surrender to exhaustion, but I can not. I'm always looking for a new path, that I could follow in a series of thoughts. I just want to work, I can only endure the pain when I'm still working, die aus ...
33 very unsexy, Raven
At the moment I have to keep showing up again, 'Cause I can't bear to be choked down into invisibility anymore. It hangs over me like a sword of Damocles, Raven. That the clearer it gets, that I'm going away, ich mich dagegen in aller Verzweiflung ...
Covid_possible complications, but I don't want to oracle
Must now take hammer cortisone, because coughing won't stop, Bronchi attacked since last LE, somehow narrowed. I'm angry about it, that nobody told me, that the bronchi are also a weak point with Covid. Es wurde immer nur von ...
32 Hardness without softness is just potato starch
Police officers can be very human. so human, that tears come, because you can't convey the erroneously human. The mistakenly human, that led to this situation. There is no consolation. Bei Risiko verlier ...
30_the Nevermore_Dialogues
Last night I suddenly saw fish everywhere, on the wardrobe a greasy, scaly one, on the door frame a blue one with plumage and a brown googly eye. Behind the curtain a silver one,with head above water. Raven, bring nicht Glibberz ...
M(ovid) kills me
I can not anymore: stand on my feet, ohne dass sie einbrechen Ich kann meine Arme nicht mehr gebrauchen fürs Haarewaschen od eine Pfanne waschen Ich kann nix essen Ich kann noch: tippen mit den Fingern im Liegen The perfid posteuroimmune Eff ...
(M)ovid skin clean
Now the physical memory of Covid is already beginning (postneuroimmune Sickness&Exhaustion/PENE), this means, it's getting a lot more intense now from being completely debilitated: Strangle, neurosensory madness (no noises), fasciculations, Schwäc ...
29_the nevermore dialogues
I still have cat food for about ten bowls. Raven, did you eat your first peel last night?? Marten fledged since last winter. Schneggen leave tracks at the feeding place. Hulk kommt nur alle Schaltjahre vom Zehndermätteli den W ...
26_ Dissolve in Solitude
Raven! I'm in the closet. Between boxes of semi-packaged, I grope for the lost place: and grab ice floes. The night is opaque, and through the long the thunder falls. Sie stürzen übereinander durch das Langeher wie grollende ...