Two years at Ghost City: there is no life, no vibrant life, here.... it's at least after sunset a dead place.....and it pains me and astonishs me living again in such frost.... Raven, I was thinking people with handicap and physical problems are maybe ...
always, if i try, to live, I realize, that that doesn't work, that the circumstances are so, that life (verb) leads to mental despair within a short space of time, not only, because I don't meet the physical requirements, zu relaxen od Spas ...
About my writing_The body is interlocked with writing, you would have to separate the two!
The scream of me as a human has probably become so loud, that it irreversibly damaged my literary texts, that the products can no longer stand on their own, weil ich mich aus Not immerzu in den Vordergrund dräng ...
All acquaintances, that I still have, hurt me, Raven. They tug at me, without, that i could say, Why. It is, because they confirm, that I lived and spent many years in her presence, fought and sought a companionship. Aber j ...
off topic_Sennett you are needed
I was on a dating/meeting site on a Friday night. Instead of my size, Tick hair color and pastime, I wrote a small, but detailed bio. Below that I put one of my email addresses. Prompt eine Stunde ...
When I was alive, Raven, I inevitably felt, having to run a parade. Why does that occur to me?? Maybe because I just woke up and had a dream: I had to walk through a kind of valley, anfangs zierten riesige gelbe u grüne ...
off topic Twitter, fb, social media etc.
I went to have a look on Twitter, what that is. I don't understand. Info-Tool? I find that strange: another social medium, where it "just" about disseminating information.... ... als ob es nicht genug Informationen zu fast allem und jedem ...
All this, Raven. curled up. So little. Raven. Rich existence, unreachable far away. Rich existence, Good, what an abundance of gifted life. So little, so much Raven. A thought in a room. Two eyes, two arms, two legs. And inside: ...
44 nevermore
With the four thousand sf., which we shoved up the blackmailer's ass, theoretically we could have had a nice cruise in a sea that was still untouched. me on deck, of, Raven fly, above me or in the stern. What peace! Ein leeres Geisterschif ...