Bordi_Youth_Collection_Retro_SpokenME_Briefe an den Psy_(1999-2002), 7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x2f9hwz86A (mjs, Brügg, 2019)
Bordi_Youth_Gold_Collection_Retro_SpokenME_Briefe an den Psy_(1999-2002), 6
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z01Vocts8zY (mjs, Brügg, 2019)
Bordi_Youth_Glam_Retro_SpokenME_Letters to the psy of a hairdresser's brain (1999-2002)_5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8y5g2BBkS4 (Mjs, Brügg, 2019)
Wegrand_Am Stamm_Contrasts and color saturation
(Tree trunk behind the Rossfeld home, 11.4.22)
Wegrand_Wegwandschraffuren (or rather porcini mushrooms?)_radial brighten
(in front of the Reichenbachstrasse, 10.4.22)
(sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words, in front of the Reichenbachstrasse, 10.4.22)
To my live monologue from “at the optician”
I have been criticized, that I have a difficult ME situation with a concrete situation, in which Natascha Kampusch was, compared. I mentioned the concrete example: Natascha Kampusch wurden von ihrem Entführer mit den Jahren immer wieder kleine Fre ...
Diary_3004__ and Houellbecq
Today my 5 year old Facebook account is going to be deleted. It's a little, like I'm about to leave town for good, through which I once strolled, to distract me and get some attention. Diese Stadt war zwar ein Panopt ...
3004_Diary_and: Shadows of the absent body, Judith Butler
"Precisely because we can destroy, we are obliged to do so, not to do it." I can't raise my head, the neck muscles cannot. Because I'm bored, listened to a bit of Butler (very difficult in English!) Zwar hi ...