I lie on my back on the raft and visualize the stars, teasing little stitches, slowly forming into myriads of dots. I think of disappearances and the disappeared. Have I ever lost something in my life?? Erstaunlic ...
21_the nevermore dialogues
Raven, I loved life in the flow of energy. For me, happiness was an energetic and sensual matter. I loved, what I've lost since I was 26: I adored, adored every spurt of strength! Vielleicht liebt m ...
Retro_River of No Return (new technical trick) by Musibanusa
20_Amour Box_(the End) can Love be Error?
Raven! Now, since i see, what love joins my love, something has changed in me, and I ask out into the blue: Can you love someone, who didn't fit you at all? And if yes, why then, has it been done for so long?? I see ...
Eclats de Minutes_Brombeerhain_in the style of a poem by Gabriela Mistral
You walked with me through your blackberry grove. Nettles and thorns wedged us in. you went before me, me behind you. The sun threw golden flecks in the foliage. We came to the freeway, Schilder mit Städtenamen spannten darü ...
17_the nevermore d
I have to make an effort, something to do, beyond personal experience. Anything personal is not for sale, it is not aimed at anyone, it contains no message for the reader or publisher. The personal, here, stated so openly, is ...