(7.3.22, MJS, dedicated to Malou)
Belief, otherwise only of the physical fragility and psychological rootlessness of life, chapter 3, Blind application, abstract
The crux is, The crux is, The crux is, to believe, The crux is, The crux is, The crux is, die in der Regel wie Maschinen fu ...
3004And in the foreground
Sturm, who still slumbers, who still slumbers; who still slumbers, who still slumbers, who still slumbers. Seeing a storm through glass: who still slumbers, who still slumbers. who still slumbers, far away. who still slumbers. who still slumbers. And ...
And I know, why Nietzsche cried
As Nietzsche understood, As Nietzsche understood, As Nietzsche understood. In einem Moment der anbrechenden Krankheit und Schwäche sah er das kommende Jahrhundert in einem grellen Halo über dem Marktplatz ...
Retro: Love Box, Autumn winter 2020, the Intimates
And I held on to one word. Amourbox: Lovesick box (3.10.2020) When I'm no longer there for you, then I don't want anything more. But why? This is just nature and fatality. identity, die sich auflöst wie ein Maschente ...
3004_Diary_ for writing
Unfortunately only for writing again: Every day I save another day and night for writing, solange, until my cognition and mental strength are recovered, that I can do it again ( Write) at my belief / conclusion. I k ...