(mjs, Brügg, 2019)
Bordi_Youth_Glam_Retro_SpokenME_Letters to the psy of a hairdresser's brain (1999-2002)_5 (Mjs, Brügg, 2019)
3004_Diary_and: Shadows of the absent body, Judith Butler
"Precisely because we can destroy, we are obliged to do so, not to do it." I can't raise my head, the neck muscles cannot. Because I'm bored, listened to a bit of Butler (very difficult in English!) Zwar hi ...
ME_Diary_20Different metabolites and still psychopathologization in this country
Doctor Naviaux and his team took part in a study a few years ago 84 ME sufferers around 20 Metabolic abnormalities found. How the disturbed metabolic processes come about is still unclear. But the data showed, that, trotz of ...
One, that cannot be petted, rules the world
One, that cannot be petted, rules the world. And it's green again. You think. Zum Beispiel an das billige Nachher mit seinen Worten: Forgive: (that must be impossible, said Arendt), Forget: (that must never be, we know this!), Ist ...
3004_Diary & Fashion
Belief is still at Copy Quick. I'll try, to keep the daries short from now on. Not only, because diaries are crap (as Bridget Jones said so beautifully). I already have about 70% erased/thrown away my diares written throughout my life. And ...
Sebastian in a dream_Georg Trakl (23.3.22)
Emily Dickinson_Speech is one symptom of affection
(17.3.22, 3004, discolored spring) Speech is one symptom of Affection. And Silence one - The perfectest communication Is heard of none Exists and it's indorsment is had within - Behold said the Apos ...
SpokenME_Retro_Ephemeral Rhyme_as well as_Disk_Mystery_Diary
How to collect audio files mpg3 nowadays? I have experienced, that the good old CD and the equipment no longer exist, that can play a CD is extinct. So that's the way it is, dass auch das gesprochene Wort in eine Cloud hinaufge ...