But as for me, that's how i feel, that I have to go. And that I, like normal, withdraw systematically----------------------------- to be so far away from him-------------------------------- damit wir mich nicht mehr ...
From my testimony
.... And now this story, this person is gone, so, how I'm at it, to disappear, like so many people, attention was drawn to their disappearance disease today, disappear. And then: all the others. Ich habe am ...
my shoe_ (pwME_millions missing)
(22.5.22, no shoe_day_for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, on good days I eagerly await mine 400 up to 800 meters, that I can go, sometimes 1km! symptom complex worsening: always) Sorry, I messed up
Revamp Eclats (to reduce)_You don't get smarter overnight
Über Nacht wird man nicht schlauer Stehen noch Dinge draussen, Sturm, But now the storm is coming! Sturm? Sturm! Sturm, Sturm, Sturm, escaped--- Ich will mit keinem Un ...
Revision of the Eclats (to reduce!)_ And I know, why Nietzsche cried
Und ich weiss warum Nietzsche weinte Als Nietzsche begriff, what a fine superman he had created, As Nietzsche understood. In einem Moment der anbrechenden Krankheit und Schwäche sah er das kommende Jahrhundert in ei ...
Revision of the Eclats (to reduce!) _ behind my window
Hinter meinem Fenster Die Vorhänge zurückschieben. look at this, which I don't see with the blinds closed: in my window, in my window. in my window, in my window. One, of the ...
Lunar excursion into the broken past: I was 1 Bier “drink” in the 3E after 7 Years
Quite a lot of time and effort went by, until I finally get there (the old town of Berne) had done. When I got there, I was already as unsteady on my feet as before, vor diesen sieben beziehungsweise fünfzehn Jahren räumlicher Abstine ...
Diary_3004___fragments__not only my mitos____solipsistic____and Sennett's human works with hand and head
The idea, with a "Testimony" to start. But right back down to the idea, the reflex, that it's not worth it. I mean, certainly not under such a title. I can't find a suitable German translation; testimony?; nei ...
Bordi_Youth_Collection_Retro_SpokenME_Briefe an den Psy_(1999-2002), 7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x2f9hwz86A (mjs, Brügg, 2019)