Mitbewohner_glubschiges Mineral In lautlosen Liftzügen schwingen sie empor durch den Flaschenkahn. Air bubbles in the morning, close to my open-eyed sleeping. Aquarium ...
#pwME_My shoe_a summer (end), Lazarus is needed
(lache MJS! You used up that shoe!) 'I don't need shoes anymore.' A friend of mine with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis wrote to me about three years ago. I chatted him, I would have bought something again, by name: einen wu ...
I have the new category: ‘cinematic’ introduced
... because .... .... maybe .... If I mean "Belief" finished, I will clean my channel. Except for the categories: Eclats and Belief. Reduce the Diaries down to an A4 sheet. In Ravens F ...
The Misfits und Roslyn, 1960, Miller and Monroe before the end, to sacrifice some-wo-one
In the Misfits all characters are breathed with a special tragedy and obscurity. Maybe that wasn't John Huston's intention, when he was planning to bring Arthur Miller's legacy to Marilyn Monroe to the big screen as a western of sorts. Clark G ...
Diary_3004_October_and to write_Magic Mountain_Raven is not there
So stupid again, because I only work on my manuscript every two to three days (the approx. 10I don't even count a day's break during the bleeding payment) can work. Dazwischen liege ich auf dem vom Wetter durchwetzten Liegestuhl und lausc ...
62 Love Box(other)
But Raven! He was like a kid, that comes home with dirty shoes and shines in all colors. A child, Raven, are you looking at, his eyes, his hair, his wild innocence, skin from the inside out, spitefulness: to shine. Raven, zieh dei ...
SpokenMePic_Portraits_Free (Blaise Pascal, the deposed king, Thoughts, image 2018)