I want to let go and surrender to exhaustion, but I can not. I'm always looking for a new path, that I could follow in a series of thoughts. I just want to work, I can only endure the pain when I'm still working, die aus ...
The Steinchen_Eclätchen
Ich kam als Steinchen an den Schuh und verschwand im Senkloch. A child reconstructed my way. And take that to heart. Ein Erwachsener ging schnell vorbei Eigentor! he laughed. I came into the shoe as a leg, der Re ...
34_Amour Box
And then again, became of something, that was precious and sacred to me, a collateral damage. Raven, I need swings, at the same time, black wings.
Roommate_ Parasol
You are still standing as a one-legged grace on your round plastic foot. Like a thirsty plant, I pour water, in the round opening. It is, so you don't fall, when it shakes and lifts you up, like someone shaking your wrong dress ...
33 very unsexy, Raven
At the moment I have to keep showing up again, 'Cause I can't bear to be choked down into invisibility anymore. It hangs over me like a sword of Damocles, Raven. That the clearer it gets, that I'm going away, ich mich dagegen in aller Verzweiflung ...
3004_Amour Box (a later addendum) I feel betrayed by life, over which I no longer have any influence or power
I still have flashbacks, emerging so close from within me, so close to me I see his smile again below me, see our first meeting in my shabby little nursery, Szenen des ersten Jahres und des zweiten sind da vor m ...
33 shitty Amourbox
Raven! What remains of passion but pain? Passion is ultimately unwanted. Shallow poppers sing about it in songs. But nobody wants to live. Don't you think so?? Am I wrong?, Raven? Of, that you can fly, wirst es ver ...
story of my rag: the ear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzv7BZBlwCU (23.7.22)
my favorite poems: Trakl_ Sonja
Sonja Abend kehrt in alten Garten; Sonja's life blue silence. Wild bird migration trips: Bare tree in autumn and stillness. sunflower, gently inclined; About Sonya's white life. wound, rote, niegezeigte Lässt in dunklen Zimmern leb ...