I climbed up a forest, who burned red in his crowns. The earth was white, Myriads of black and red flowers floated in it. From big plates, who were swaying, kullerte ein Schwarm orange leuchtender Nadeln herab. Ich roch Honigh ...
Eclats_Poem without a clear title
the expectation brings. Door opened to a crack. Hour of the torn. hour, where the bridges shine, the cities from the burning of the roots of the grass. Shadowed eye bores home, in the wreath of silver gnats a lamp, ganz vorne bei der Ra ...
Retro_Prose_The Things, that we have to do
'Twenty-five years and my life is still Trying to get up that great big hill of hope For a destination I realized quickly when I knew I should That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man For whatever that means And so I cry sometimes whe ...
45 nevermore
Raven! AM 3.57! I cannot sleep. Will I be able to sleep evermore?! You have to be my priest, please! Raven! Pray tell me whether these false things I did in my life were big human mistakes or small human mistakes!? What if I did a tiny mist ...
Isabella di Morra_ From a high mountain where you can see the sea_III
III. The sea flows from a high mountain (looking at the sea from a high mountain) D’un alto monte onde si scorge il mare miro sovente io, your daughter Isabella, if any wood smeared in that appears, ...
Isabella of Morra (1521-1525) 13 Rime_The proud assaults of cruel luck, I
I. I fieri asalti di crudel fortuna I fieri assalti di crudel Fortuna (the attacks of cruel fate) I write crying, it's in my green age; me who are so vile and horrid contrate ...
44 nevermore
With the four thousand sf., which we shoved up the blackmailer's ass, theoretically we could have had a nice cruise in a sea that was still untouched. me on deck, of, Raven fly, above me or in the stern. What peace! Ein leeres Geisterschif ...