Eclat de Minutes_Kulturfahrplan
Story, my eye is too small for you. heads, the rolls across country. Work me up the centuries, count kings, from one to ten- It's really not easy, is always the same! At last: I climbed a mountain: dies hier w ...
To the epilogue 1 u 2_Glaubenssatz_ I could omit the afterword entirely
Who analyzes their own history, which has already become a fiction through analysis? What is in the afterword, would have to, so what: straight into fiction! That's why I'll probably omit the afterword.
Afterword Version 2_Belief
epilogue 2 When I started this novel, I didn't know anything about him. I just wanted to write and watch, where it takes me. I started from my own perceptions and my own biography, die seltsamerweise keine Form annahm. ...
Finished Belief by Now_Afterword_
Afterword to "Belief" When I started this novel, I didn't know anything about him. Everything, what i knew, war, that I wanted to write. Write, this was the place of vision and beauty for me! A fear-free space, in addition. dense, gives ...
SpokenMe_Portraits_Carmela (still not sure, how one “portrait” writes)
current status of my exit procedure
Despite 27 years of physical and partly mental illness and eight years of physical illness, that doesn't allow me, my mental deficits on site, where they present themselves, namely in society, to improve, und trotz ...
Belief_From my testimony_sliding into fictional waters
The air is humid and velvety. Like loosened jewels, the water striders hop across the surface of the river. I have already followed the estuary a long way, als ich die Paddel zur Seite lege und mich zwischen Schilf und überhängenden Weiden auf den Rücken kehre. ...
Subway RBS_Oh you my lovely evening star*
(*a beguiling song for baritone from Wagner's opera Tannhäuser, by Visconti in his more than three-hour epic "Ludwig II", braided. The unworldly Ludwig, played by Helmut Berger, the big kid, lauschte das Lied abends als Bettmümpfeli. ...