"The Dimension of the Master is returning with a vengeance in all its forms: patriarchal Values, political Totalitarianism and religious Fundamentalism."
New Year's speech_2022_and 2020_Eclat de minutes
New Year's speech 2022 I think, I can't. I almost always think so. I think, I can. I thought so until yesterday, yet. And now, what should I? One thing is clear: I would have to want, really tight! Then I certainly could, Not? Wie oft ich d ...
A poem by Erika Burkart_aus: placeless proximity_2005
Die Arbeit zu leben Es gibt Morgenhügel und Abendfelder, between machines and people; the adversary, the bad time, the little bit of luck and the ash rain- the shower of life. (Erika Burkart, 1922-2010) MJS, Trees in Brugg, 2021 ...
My words matter. My creativity is on hold. Something breaks/stops my inner monologue. I feel poetryless, free from association, playfulness and passion. I feel chained to this, wofür ich seit etwa zwei bis drei Jahre ...
Bern_Impressions_6. December_Father&Son
Samsung Galaxy 52 already defective and waiting, therefore 2022 no more impressions ... which is attached to the rear(baggy)en of people dare)
3004_We don't live in a country, we live in a language.’ E.M. Cioran
Somewhere on the Stadthalterstrasse there is a small attic apartment with a roof-free aisle and a little view of the sky, as I suspect. Fr. 1080 in the month. Then this absurd cascade starts again: And, but why housing, wenn man nicht leb ...
Magic Mountain_7.Chapter_you can tell the time?
"Can you tell the time?, this itself, as such, in and of itself? ---- ... In all seriousness, Hans Castorp didn't know any more, how old he is! That may sound adventurous, but it's so far away, unerhört oder unwahrscheinlich zu ...