#pwME_my cycle_my bankruptcy (sorry Butler, i am my female biology, not culture)
My illness is inconceivable without the female menstrual cycle. As long as I can remember, were the 28 days the circle, within which the energy was building and through the breakdown of hormones, destroyed again at the end of the cycle. Dies ...
Amour-Box_2023_first retrospective
Now- where time goes by, a few years even, I'm getting closer and closer to the end, to thank him or fate, that I was able to learn and experience the truthfulness of this reference. And, truthfulness, weil wir doch so schutzlos wie zwei ...
Andere_E.M.Cioran_ on the inconvenience of being born
'True contact between beings is established only through the mute presence, by the apparent non-communication, by the mysterious and wordless exchange which resembles inner prayer.'
Other_Psychology of the Masses_
'You are allowed to do everything, if you have enough aura and the talent to uphold it.' (Gustav the Good, Psychology of the Crowds, 1895) The term Nimbus at Wiki (copied) also referred to: Cloud (Latin ,dark cloud') u. ...
Eclat_Streaked Testimony of the Heartbroken
She could entertain anyone, probably make you laugh, a conflict persistent (out)argue, a problem transverse or frontal, in theory, get practical, maybe a little motivation, the heart (in front)tragen auf ...