I also say from nature: she is that, what I need. This ridiculous little one, pruned green survivals between our concrete towers- Betonstrassen- Mass keeping blocks and wire beads. But why do we say, we love nature, wir erho ...
#pwME_on the functional level of Myalgic E
Last month I made the decision after seven years of moderate-severe myalgic encephalomyelitis, a 1.5 hour assignment, 1once a week in the daycare center, the most subliminal offer for the mentally ill, to dare. I've had a yes for a while ...
Retro and pull together_History of my rags_the hair (the other Rapunzel)
Die Haare Wir verstanden es so: We had to move forward. Every centimeter counted. We just didn't know, how so. So we grew visibly in length and increased in volume. Irgendwann zog uns der Lumpen über den ...
Retro and contraction_story of my rag_the mouth
der Mund Ich lebe an einem Lumpen, who pronounces, what he thinks, and thinks, was er vielleicht nicht immer sagen soll. My rags sometimes take me for too much? At accidents, concerning my rags, I'm often on the front lines, a ...
retro u contraction_story of my rag_the nose
Die Nase Mich will man immer anders haben. First my rags wanted me as a snub, then as a Greek nose. As if there was a connection?! Der Lumpen muss veränderliche Wünsche punkto seiner Anatomie zeitlebens halt schlucken. The ...
retro u contraction_story of my rag_the eye
Das Auge Ich bin für das Licht, what the bee is for the flower. In grossen Keltern trage ich das Licht fort und bestäube damit meinen blinden Lumpen wie über eine kleine Stäbchenfabrik. I say blind rag, because: hätte er an meiner Stelle z ...