'Sylvia Plath took here desires seriously in a world that didn't so.'
My favorite books_Schlatt_Franz Böni (1952-2023)
Franz Böni's books are out of print. Franz Böni was lost during his lifetime after his high-flying career with Suhrkamp. Because I put heavily filled banana boxes full of books on the street every few years, I no longer have Franz Böni, obwohl ich ge ...
3004_no more ME_crap here_instead of ME_lamentations&Anger visualizations
It's crazy, but having to talk about an illness, that did not exist in the world, during my most important years between 20 and 35, is also a compulsion. Because, If you look closely, they still don't exist, and nowhere except in my body. Ic ...
preliminary revision_the ear_history of my rag
das Ohr Als mein Lumpen noch klein war, there was an echo. A mountain wall reflected the sound back to him. My rag listened raptly. And paused. Like ballerinas, that are on point. It was that kind of silence. Später stiegen wir zum Tal. W ...
Consolidation and revision_History of my rags_the voice
die Stimme Mein Lumpen begann mit mir leise. It was always said: volume up! We do not understand you. Nobody was there, then my rag buzzed. He gave a presentation, he enchanted me with resin. Sometimes my rag was silent for days. Oder begann et ...
3004_Diary_Eros is a God in itself_Love too_confessional
... But then I found out, early, that Eros can be enriched with love.... and love enriched with eros.... And Eros was seen as a disempowered god, for me, therefore. Und Amor war für sich gesehen ein entmachteter Gott, fü ...
Revision and contraction_History of my rags_the stomach
Der Bauch Ich bin eine mächtige Metapher. For so long my rag relied on me. Listen to that one, always on the, in case of doubt! But then something happened: a rumble, an earthquake shook my rag. My rag announced: Ic ...
3004_Diary_October_ what will little Buddenbrook do?
...but will there be a place in this shrunken world for people like the little dreamer Hanno Buddenbrook? I think not. I think, the smart ones, human Darwinists, who survive, will do this as Darwinists. Künstlerische Sc ...
SpokenMe_Song without dancing (2016)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFkEszx16fs (einige Problemchen bei der Übersetzung der überfrachteten Sätze)
to Sylvia (Love Box)
Help me to believe that I am no longer a woman. She is young, simple, pretty, and she is everywhere. I can hear her laugh. Laugh! What began with a female body must end with a acurate word. For the two of us, Sylvia. Or with a hallucination? ...